June 15th, 2009 – Last day in Copán
Monday, June 15th, 2009I’ve started the day sitting here in the next door restaurant having a coffee and feeling excited to be a part of this community, and to be connected to some of the people who do so much for the “needy” people that live in this wonderful country. I have been so lucky to have had Robert, Ellen, and of course Telma to help and direct me. I learn so much and have so much to learn. If I have been even a bit of a catalyst or a bit of a help the time here has been worthwhile.
I have one last germ/ hand washing class to complete this morning, a meeting with Ellen this afternoon and hopefully can reach Billy and Mary (folks that live here that help bring in brigades). Then that is it.
Reflecting on my time here, I think that the handwashing activities were a tremendous success and will plan on more health education, The t-shirt’s for the Hogar Angelitos Felices was so enthusiastically received that I would do that again also. And, I would like to continue to work with and support Ellen who I believe reaches some of the most needy people of the community.
A Better World has helped provide germ theory/ hand washing education to over 225 students in three communities, continues to sponsor Eduardo to attend the Amigos school, supplies purified water to help the health of over 40 children at the hogar, has supplied needed medications to children at the hogar, supported a local work project (making blocks for toys) and some basic school supplies to a needy rural school.
And, I’ll look forward to my next trip to Copan and what it might bring.