Archive for November, 2013

Casita Copan

Friday, November 29th, 2013

I had the pleasure of sitting in on the “Skype” meeting of the US board of Casita Copan tonight. What an interesting new world this is when you can conduct board meetings internationally on skype. Main topics included their plan for Casita Copan in the coming year, expanding their fund raising base, and a report on the extensive survey Emily has done of their recipients to establish needs for future program planning. Some of the common themes from the interviews were a lack of trust in relationships, sexual violence in the womens lives (60% verbalizing abuse but Emily believes it is closer to 100%). At the present time A Better World is supplying the funding for the Women’s Literacy program. The exams for the year are on Monday but probably the most remarkable accomplishment is that these 7 women committed to attending the Literacy classes and followed through. Some of the other benefits were the development of relationships among the women and some obvious development of confidence in these ladies who became more willing to “talk” and share their thoughts, feelings and ideas.

An ongoing dream is to one day make this a children’s home. At the present time there are two children who have been abandoned and are parentless… Casita Copan has
made sure these children are looked after.

Emily the Casita Copan Director and Jessie, a board member meeting over Skype tonight

Emily the Casita Copan Director and Jessie, a board member meeting over Skype tonight

One of the projects that Emily and Casita Copan are starting is a bed project. Many of the 14 families have NO bed and others have one that the entire family shares. Her hope is to provide a basic frame and foam mattress to each family. I will investigate the actual cost per bed and perhaps have A Better World provide some funds for the project.

Thursday in Honduras

Friday, November 29th, 2013

Usually there is no such thing as a REALLY good day when I am doing project work… let alone a PERFECT day. card and worked well!

It started with my productive meeting with Rufino and Saul with Plan International about partnering in a possible pilot project of computer based learning in their communities.

It started with my productive meeting with Rufino and Saul with Plan International about partnering in a possible pilot project of computer based learning in their communities.

Then, a meeting with the assistant mayor about re opening Carizalito school and he said that is their plan for next year. It seems they have cleaned up the area (which probably means they killed the bad guys) and families are moving back into the community.

Then, a meeting with the assistant mayor about re opening Carizalito school and he said that is their plan for next year. It seems they have cleaned up the area (which probably means they killed the bad guys) and families are moving back into the community.

That was followed by my young micro loan recipient (Carlos) repaying his entire loan to start a family pulperia.

That was followed by my young micro loan recipient (Carlos) repaying his entire loan to start a family pulperia.

All of that polished off with a successful trip to the ATM. I think I should go to bed now before anything negative can possibly happen.

Time at Casita Copan

Friday, November 29th, 2013

We played a wild game of chase the plastic balls!




Our little man… Brayan

Friday, November 29th, 2013
Brayan and Carol

Brayan and I at Mayatan

Brayan attends the Mayatan Bilingual school with our donations for school tuition, uniforms, transportation and meal costs. Robert Kern (from New Zealand) and I, have known Brayan since he was 6 and living at the local orphanage. Over time Robert was able to re-connect Brayan with his dad who he now lives with. Brayan’s dad makes a meagre living cooking at a local restaurant but Brayan stole the hearts of Robert and I years ago and we want to give this child any chance we can at a successful future here in Honduras.