Archive for February, 2018


Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

Thank you to Saul from Plan International who graciously provided transportation so I could travel to La Entrada and Cuchilla Zappa. We met Manuel and Jenny from CPI (Canadian Peacemakers International) in La Entrada, then spent the day at Cuchilla Zappa helping to set up the computers for the beginning of the school year on Monday.

The Grade 7,8,9 self learning computer program started 5 years ago with us providing the computers. Canadian Peacemakers partnering with Plan International supervise and monitor the program. Until this year there was no funding for the facilitator but with the change of the mayor this past November, we believe that the facilitator will be paid for by the municipality. That is a major step and will have a huge impact on the program. Until now, the cost (kids had to cover the cost of the facilitator) was a barrier to so many families who could not afford their children attending.

First we discussed the program and any glitches with the Principal of the school, the teacher, Manuel from CPI, and Saul from Plan International. Two of the community leaders were there also.

How many people does it take to hook up one computer?

Ah hah! That is where the cords were


Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

I have appreciated my affiliation with Plan International over the years. They graciously offer me transportation to the projects we have supported, and partner with CPI in monitoring the computer projects in the three areas I have been involved in.

This is Saul who is a long time friend and has been a liaison for me with Plan Int. He has worked with Plan for 7 years but has a long history of working for NGO’s in this area of Honduras. He is responsible for the sponsored kids through Plan. There are 700 or so sponsored children through this branch of Plan. Here he is loading 475 “kits” of school supplies to be distributed next week to kids in 20 communities in this area of Plans territory.

El Plantel

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

Professor Oscar (the Education Director) and I met and discussed a new school building for El Plantel. We visited the school last November and were appalled at the condition of the building they were using. We have agreed to fund the materials, the community will supply the labor and the municipality the sand and albañil (foreman).

I hate hills…….especially climbing down them when they as slippery as ice.

Again, my thanks to Canadian Peacemakers International for handling the funds, and Manuel Tabora for his support