
I would like you to meet Carlos. This young man will complete Grade 12 in a few months after overcoming what most of us would find insurmountable obstacles. He borrowed 50$ from me to finish eleventh grade and when coffee season arrived he paid back every cent. His father is paralyzed and his mother supports the family as best she can by working in the fields as seasonal labor. He needs about 250$ to complete his schooling…..for uniforms for his work experience in a hotel, money to do his volunteer experience locally, money for a compulsory field trip to SPS and also money for graduation expenses. We worked out the budget today. Half will be a “scholarship” and half a loan. He will start repaying me in December when he finishes school……during coffee picking season. He says he makes about 5-7$ a day depending on how much he picks. His dream is to go to university.