My trip to Nueva Armenia today

June 3rd, 2013

The hills around Copan are magnificent……..lush and abundant. It’s hard to believe that in a country that appears so rich in natural resources, there is so much poverty and hunger.


What you can’t see:
Is how high up we are or the amount of land that
is being destroyed by slash and burn or just how dark green the coffee plants area.


What you can’t smell is the smoke in the air from the cooking fires and burning of the hillsides …..and the smell of horses (as they are still a major means of transport)

What you can’t feel is the oppressive heat and just how rough the roads are

The people of the community

June 3rd, 2013
The director of nursing and I had a great chat about the future of the clinic and also some about local rates of Dengue, TB and other communicable disease.

The director of nursing and I had a great chat about the future of the clinic and also some about local rates of Dengue, TB and other communicable disease.

One of the community leaders

One of the community leaders

The engineer (Olmun) and representative (Chema) of Mancorsaric (organizers of the project)

The engineer (Olmun) and representative (Chema) of Mancorsaric (organizers of the project)

BUT most important of all are the people that this clinic will serve.

BUT most important of all are the people that this clinic will serve.

The new clinic in Nueva Armenia

June 3rd, 2013


I gave a speech… in Spanish. I brought greetings from Mundo Mejor (A Better World) and congratulated them on their hard work. 14 communities provide labor for constructing the new clinic… 8 men per day on a rotating basis.


I think they enjoyed the cake I brought far more than my speech.

We left with blessings from the community “Gracias de Dios a Mundo Mejor y Carol. Bendiciones a todo”. (Thank you God for A Better World and Carol. Blessings for all)


We were three…

January 28th, 2013


…and along with having a lot of fun, I had extra ears to help hear what those Spanish words were saying, extra ideas, extra analysis, extra support, extra help and extra presence of A Better World for the folks in the Copan area. Sure enjoyed having Christiane and Karen there with me this trip.


What happened in Carizalito

January 28th, 2013


Karen and I spent the day with Saul from Plan International. Our first order of business was to visit Carizalito where we had heard that the school would not be opening this year. “Why” was our question. There were “problems” and 11 of the 19 families had moved. We had heard rumors of drug related problems and murders. Now there are 9 children who won’t be going to school this year. The magic number of kids to warrant a teacher is 25.

Then we moved on to tour the Centro de Salud in Santa Rita and spend the rest of the day distributing packets of school supplies in mountain villages.
