Archive for the ‘Copan Ruinas’ Category

This week is shaping up

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

Tomorrow I’ll go with World Vision to visit the families of the children that need eye surgery
I was invited to go to another community with Ellen where there are many concerns. We plan to investigate the teachers idea of starting a poultry project with the children and take these stools that I bought today for the Kinder that needs furniture.

They are such fun stools-sturdy and colorful

It rains and rains and rains and rains

Friday, October 1st, 2010

Now I know what it means to be here in the middle of rainy season!

I am so frustrated with cars breaking so we can’t go to the communities, with roads and rivers flooding and today with the five hour drive that accomplished nothing. We went to visit the children that needed eye surgery and the one girl was not the one with cataracts and her vision was fine…..and the other house we couldn’t get to because it was pouring rain and the long hill we would have to walk up was as slippery as ice.

I did stop at El Malcote (our first classroom) for a quick hello to the kids and teachers.

I’ve prepared for a trip with Ellen tomorrow. I’ve bought little stools for a kinder that needs furniture, and made up little bags of trail mix for the kids. Hope that trip goes a lot better than the one today.

How to choose?

Friday, October 1st, 2010

Red Cross

How am I going to be able to choose one project? In two days of meeting with World Vision, the Red Cross and Ellen I have heard a litany of needs. What is needed most…..a clinic for a community that is two hours by car and two hours by horseback away from here, a classroom for a school where the kids are ankle deep in mud (inside) when it rains, a chicken raising project for a school where the teacher is keen to help the starving kids, or eye surgery for several kids who have no vision.

I will continue gathering information and thinking…..and thinking……about what is next.

I am so disappointed. It is impossible to get up to Los Arcos this week to deliver the sign and a celebration with the community on the completion of the new classroom. I’ll once again have to let World Vision take the sign when the roads are passable.

Back to Honduras – September 25 – October 7 2010

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

The classroom at Los Arcos is complete and I will be taking this sign when I am there and having a celebration with the community.

Escuela de Los Arcos

Escuela de Los Arcos

The last two days of the March trip

Saturday, March 27th, 2010

I made good use of the last two days I was in Copan. Telma created a beautiful chocolate brownie cake for me to take to the World Vision office with our thanks for their help setting up and working at the eye clinics at Aqua Caliente.

The sign for the now finished El Malcote school was presented to Exely at the World Vision office. There was not enough time for me to go to the community on this trip so World Vision will take the sign to present to the Malcote area leaders and have it installed at the new classroom that A Better World supporters funded.

In turn, Exely (the director of the World Vision office in Copan) came to the hotel to give each of the Optometry Docs a small gift of appreciation for their coming to Copan and the community of Aqua Caliente. Telma had a cake for that occasion also and toasts were made to a productive and fun week in Copan.